Important Mental Strategies For A Better 2019-Part 1

Sometimes life does seem exhausting, depressing and just tiring. I have observed that many times, we indeliberately set ourselves up for misery without even realising it.

woman in maroon shirt with black chain on her bodyThe problem is if we don’t make a conscious decision to break-up with old mental habits and be deliberate about building and inculcating new ones, then we will never quit the mind-numbing exhausting cycle of misery. Here goes what we need to do:

  1. Think only positive thoughts. You would think this one is obvious and straightforward, right? Then how come we keep falling for negative thoughts? I recently saw a video online of how Mr. Guilt was pestering a particular woman. She never seemed to do anything right. As a stay at home mom, Mr. Guilt guilt-tripped her for being lazy and apparently wasn’t satisfied when she worked full time either  because she didn’t have time for her family. Is there really a Mr. Guilt somewhere, somehow? Well actually, yes.
    you are enough text

    However, our mind’s voice is the first guilt-tripper and king of negative thoughts we will ever encounter. Be deliberate about what you think. Be kind to yourself. Believe it or not, kindness is a skill and if you can’t be kind to yourself, how do you expect to be kind to others? Whenever those negative thoughts sneak up on you next, get thou up, find thee a  mirror and just tell yourself all the amazing things about you. girl in white long sleeved shirt wearing sunglasses facing mirror

  2. Read books. Y’al, this can never be overrated and there’s a reason it comes after learning deliberate positive thoughts. What you feed your mind would ultimately be a determinant of your thoughts. Find a genre of books that work for you and read yourself to stupor. You don’t have to overdo it and you don’t have to do it compeititively. It’s all you. Find the kind of books that work for you but make sure they are books that nourish your mind.white teddy bear with opened book photo
  3. Listen to Music: Not just music actually, good music. I speak from personal experience on this one but y’al music will do you so much good, I tell yah. However, here’s something to take into consideration: you can’t be mentally stressed or exhausted and listen to loud tasteless music just because. Look for songs that beyond being a combination of sweet melodies, speaks deeply to you and just generallt calms you. For some people, this could be mere instrumentals like the piano or violin. If that be you then so be it. Just make sure you aren’t listening to music for the sake of listening to music. people woman relaxation girl
  4. Dance. If you just thought to yourself “for a moment there, I thought she was being serious but dance…?”; then you have a whole lot of relaxing to do. Life is long but short and life is short but long. Irony, huh? I know.  What do you do when you get stressed? Think some more and kill yourself with more stress? Common get up and dance. Now, let me clarify that I don’t necessarily mean going to parties and clubs, your room is the best dancefloor ‘evuurr’. You’ve got to trust me on this one. If my mirror had even one mouth, arrgghh… I’m glad it doesn’t. Dancing helps you to take your mind off stressful situations, relaxes you and the best plus to it is that it’s a form of exercise. adolescent adult black and white casualNow you can dance like no one is watching because hunnie, no one is actually watching. It’s your room and you’re all alone 🙂

Please do well to leave comments on other strategies you know that works and be sure to check back tomorrow for a continuation.

Incase you missed the last post, it’s here.

Cheers to 2019! I love you. Thank you for reading.

Author: Ese

I read. I listen. I take risks.

6 thoughts on “Important Mental Strategies For A Better 2019-Part 1”

  1. Very thoughtful insight. Thanks for this.
    I observed these are all strategies within your control, while sometimes there are other factors (external) that are beyond absolute control but can be managed. One important is to be conscious of the association, you cannot be having good thoughts and associate with negative-minded people. Positive-minded people are needed to fuel the determination to be positive.

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